Offer encrypted cloud storage to your clients
Give your clients encrypted dropbox-like system for storing and sharing important and sensitive files.
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Core values
Data saved in the workspace is encrypted with a user key. There are different levels of security that client can select
Your client can invite other people to the system like employees, partners, or even clients, and let them store their files
The system protects files from being overwritten. The history of the files will stay in the system as long as your client wants.
Files history
Your clients can use an access control system to allow people to download only selected files. Build download history
Core features
Workspace builder
System allow to build different workspaces for different clients in purely SaaS model.
Drag & Drop
Your client can simply drag and drop the files on a web-browser screen into a folder of their choice.
MFA protection
Access to the system can be protected by a multi-factor authentication system
On your server
The system can work from any cloud-based infrastructure you require
Designed for business. Especially for
How it works for the end-client

If you need some information about system
functions and options you can find them here
Provisioning API
if you want to check how you can integrate
the system with yours, check this out
Fully maintained
You don't need to worry about maintaining your White Label instance.
We can do almost everything for you.

We will update your WL platform constantly with the latest bugfixes.
You will get all the constant upgrades. We're improving our platforms daily
You will have access to our WL support center by email, phone, chat.