Offer CRM system to your clients
Let your clients collect information about their business like: clients, sales, events, assets, contracts and more
Check demo Get started
Core values
Like Excel
The system was designed to be a next step after using Excel. Your clients simply build a list with information they need
25 modules
It‘s just a list until you want it to be something more. The system is equiped with 25 additional modules that cover that
Designed to share
Your clients easily share the information with your partners and employees. They can easily build a list together.
Sales Automation
If your client needs a system that will automatically create an invoice, send reminders to customers
Core features
Workspace builder
Users can build their own lists in their own workspaces.
Easy import/export
System allows to easily export and import data to a traditional excel/csv file which is very helpful for new comers
The system helps clients to avoid missing important events. Your client can set the dates on tasks, assets, contracts, calendars
Allow your client to integrate the system with their existing software. Import data from Excel, add Google Calendar
Designed for business. Especially for
Sales people
Example of system usages: Sales module

If you need some information about system functions and options you can find them here
Click hereProvisioning API
if you want to check how you can integrate the system with yours, check this out
Click hereIntegrations and apps
Systems comes with a large number of integrations and applications. Some examples:
Android app
Platform API
Fully maintained
You don't need to worry about maintaining your White Label instance.
We can do almost everything for you.

We will update your WL platform constantly with the latest bugfixes.
You will get all the constant upgrades. We're improving our platforms daily
You will have access to our WL support center by email, phone, chat.